Complete 38 mm Ø net post for enclosure with fibre glass rods - P14

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Complete net posts with a 38mm diameter compatible with 10ft. 300 round trampolines 



    This safety enclosure net post will allow you to only replace the damaged posts, without having to change the entire safety enclosure! Just like the original, the post has a lower part and a top part that are simply slotted together. 

    This net post is compatible with trampolines that have the following features:

    - Round trampolines with an exterior diameter of 10ft. 3.05m

    - Safety enclosure post diameter: Ø38 mm

    - Compatible with a safety enclosure that uses fiberglass rods. 

    This complete net post equips our 10ft. Jump'Up 300 and Booster 300 sold between May 2014 and April 2016

    Trampoline size305 cm
    France Trampoline modelBoost'Up/Jump'Up 300