Legal notice – Website conditions of use

Legal information

Updated 15th april 2022

Planète Air EURL, a company with a capital of €40,000 and its head office at 21, rue Georges Lesieur 33 300 Bordeaux, registered on the Bordeaux Commerce and Company Register under the registration number 482 549 870, publishes the e-commerce website.

The website Publishing Director is Mr Hervé des Horts, Manager of EURL Planète Air.

The website is hosted by OVH, whose registered office is at 2, rue Kellerman 59 100 ROUBAIX.

General conditions of use

These General Conditions of Use ("GCU") are subject to French law and are designed to govern the use of the site and the use of various paying or free services offered by the website. By browsing or creating an account on the website, any user of the site accepts the GCU's expressly and unconditionally.

Article 1 : Website access

In principle, the website can be accessed 24/7, except for interruption, scheduled or not, for maintenance or in the case of unforeseeable circumstances (force majeure). Bound by a best endeavour obligation, Planète Air EURL shall not be held liable for any damage, of any kind whatsoever, resulting from the non-availability of the site or one or several services, or resulting from viruses occurring on the site.

The user acknowledges and agrees that PLANETE AIR is not liable for any interruption.

The user, defined as a person using the services of this website, acknowledges having the skills and means required to access and use this site.

The user confirms having checked that the system configuration used contains no virus and is in perfect working order.

Article 2 : User account

Before ordering a product, the user must first create a user account on the website. To that end, a registration form should be duly completed, including the following information:

  • - Title
  • - First name
  • - Surname
  • - e-mail
  • - Enter your chosen password
  • - Enter your date of birth

By registering, the user guarantees that the information supplied regarding his/her identity and details are correct and up-to-date. The user commits to supplying an email address that he/she owns. Planète Air EURL reserves the right to refuse a registration or to suspend or close an account in case of any doubt regarding the information. The site user commits to informing Planète Air EURL immediately in case of any non-authorised use of his/her account and any privacy and identifier security violation at:

The account can be accessed by entering the email address entered at the time of registration and the associated password, and the user bears sole responsibility for the privacy of this password.

After registering, the site can be used indefinitely. Planète Air EURL reserves the right to end the use of the site at any time, by email and without any notice. Should a registered user fail to abide by the Conditions of Use, his/her personal account may be deactivated, temporarily or permanently, with immediate effect and without any notice.

Article 3 : French Data Protection and Freedom of Information/Personal data

The user is informed that in accordance with French Article 32 of the 6 January 1978 Law on Information Technology and Freedom, as amended, Planète Air EURL, being responsible for any processing, implements a personal data processor with the primary objectives of managing user's registration on the site.

The user is informed that he/she has the right to access, enquire and edit, enabling him/her, if necessary, to have any personal data concerning him/her which are incorrect or incomplete, changed, completed, updated, locked or deleted.

The user also has the right to object to his/her data being processed for legitimate reasons, and the right to object to this data being used for commercial solicitation purposes.

All these rights can be exercised by sending a letter containing a copy of an identity document with signature to Planète Air at the following address:

Planète Air EURL / LoftNets
21, rue Georges Lesieur
33 000 Bordeaux

In any event, the collected data is exclusively intended for Planète Air EURL.

The information entered under My Account is kept on a secure server, managed by Planète Air, and it can be kept for up to 1 year after a user account is closed.

Article 4 : Cookies

DIn order to improve user's experience on the site, Planète Air EURL needs to install cookies on your computer or terminal used to access the site. These cookies enable Planète Air EURL to:

  • - compile statistics on the number of visits and use of various parts of the site (visited headings and contents, path...) and enable us to improve the interest and ergonomics of services visited on the site,
  • - adapt site layout and related advertising spaces to your terminal display preferences when visiting the site, depending on the terminal display or playing equipment and software,
  • - record information entered in a form on the site (registration or account access) or relating to products, services or information the user chose on the site (subscribed service, order basket content, etc.)

In any event, the browsing software configuration will highlight the presence of cookies and give the opportunity to refuse cookies.

Article 5 : Hyperlinks

Planète Air EURL may offer links to third party sites on its site. These links are provided in full agreement with the sites concerned. The company will not be held liable for the contents of these sites and the use that users could make of them.

The user may not insert a hyperlink to this site without Planète Air prior express authorisation. Under no circumstances can this authorisation be construed as an implicit membership agreement. In any case, hyperlinks to the website must be removed at Planète Air's or its representatives' first request.

Article 6 : Content

6.1 Contents Protection

Planète Air owns 100% of site contents, text, images, videos, sound bites and policies, unless otherwise stated.

Any total or partial reproduction of the contents is strictly forbidden without the express written approval from Planète Air EURL and the site Director of publication.

6.2. Disclaimer

Any information and/or documents available on the site are subject to changes and could be updated.

Planète Air has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information supplied on its site and any other sites of its affiliates directly linked to it. Under no circumstances will Planète Air be held liable for any occasional or unexpected errors which may occur on the site. In case of any errors, PLANETE AIR reserves the right to correct them as soon as they are brought to its attention.

Article 7 : Governing Law

The site is governed by French law, whatever the location of use, in both form and substance. In the event of a dispute, French courts will have sole jurisdiction.